

Job Interviews

Interviews are stressfull by their very nature, so below are a couple of titles we've produced which can help to ease the pain. To help further, we've priced them for all pockets.



Competency Questions Made Easy

Your guide to taking the stress out of competency based interviews.

You know you have the experience and the knowledge, but sometimes you just don't seem to structure an answer in the way that you want to.

Here's just the guide to help you. Work through the exercises and build up a library of experience ahead of the interview. Draw on your answers when presented with any competency based questions and feel the answers flowing out with all the detail you want.

Get that stress free feeling now!

Click the icon to purchase.


 Easy Interviews: A Practical Workbook

An interview book with a difference!

This interview preparation workbook is designed with action in mind. Containing twenty modules with numerous exercises to complete, all aimed at effectively preparing you for your upcoming job interview.

The workbook includes exercises on how to research the role, evaluate your background, provide the relevant level of detail and the importance of preparing detailed questions to ask. Get it right and stand out from the crowd to make yourself memorable.

Build confidence ahead of your interview and rid yourself of those nerves once and for all, by completing this workbook.

This is your guide to taking control and feeling stress free at job interviews.

Click the icon to purchase.


Sapere Media Publications

Sapere Media Publications produce ebooks based on our content.

Download these ebooks straight to your Kindle* /Kindle* App now.

Click on a link to purchase to purchase from Amazon*. 

*Amazon and Kindle are trademarks of Amazon.com Inc. 


eBooks are great!

We like ebooks at The Skills Dojo and we have the following books available on Amazon's Kindle*. We hope you find them valuable and refer to them often. In the near future, we'll have more books on a wider range of topics.